Dental Treatments with Sedation
This solution is also preferred by elderly patients, allowing them to maintain stable vital signs and eliminate unpleasant sensations associated with treatment.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
The anesthesiologist prepares the patient safely and effectively to receive treatments in complete comfort. This sedation involves the administration of medications that create a pleasant state of relaxation and muscle relaxation, but never induce the patient into sleep, leaving them awake and alert (conscious sedation). Thanks to sedation, many patients have successfully undergone sessions they never thought they could handle.DOES PHARMACOLOGICAL SEDATION INTERACT WITH OTHER MEDICATIONS?
Every patient desiring sedation dentistry is always interviewed by the anesthesiologist. Most medications do not negatively interact with the drugs used for sedation.
Sedation allows patients to comfortably undergo various types of therapy, from simple dental hygiene sessions to longer or more complex procedures.
One of the positive effects of sedation is that, while remaining awake and alert throughout the treatment, the perception of the session’s duration or difficulty is greatly reduced, leaving a pleasant memory.
Due to relaxation, the effectiveness of local anesthesia is also increased. Furthermore, muscles and joints are much less stressed, avoiding the typical soreness at the end of treatment.
The number of sessions can be reduced due to the increased number of treatments that can be performed in the same appointment.
With sedation dentistry, even the most anxious patient can afford the necessary dental care and achieve the smile they deserve.
Peace of mind is also extended to family members who ensure their loved ones receive treatment in complete safety and with the complete absence of anxiety and emotional tension.
The feeling of deep relaxation only lasts for the duration of the session, as an antidote that reverses all the effects of the drug is administered a few minutes before its conclusion.
However, we always ensure that the patient has a companion if they need to travel by car.
First and foremost, it’s important to know and understand that this sedation dentistry has nothing to do with general anesthesia (narcosis) and is, therefore, a treatment in maximum safety.
Thanks to deep relaxation, the sensation is that of falling asleep, but in reality, you will always be awake and alert, cooperating with the dentist to allow the treatment to proceed.
Safety of Sedation Dentistry Treatment:
During the relaxation period, the anesthetist and dentist monitor all vital signs, such as heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, etc. We also remind you that, thanks to the antidote, we are ready to interrupt sedation at any time. Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni, along with the anesthesiologist, has treated dozens of patients in complete safety, providing comfortable experiences. We strongly believe that therapies with relaxation in sedation are a significant step forward in patient care. Call 051471964 and schedule an appointment to learn more about sedation dentistry treatments. You will be amazed by the benefits it can offer.Sedation represents an effective alternative to treatment under general anesthesia and allows for a relaxed approach to all types of therapy, from a simple dental cleaning session to longer or more complex procedures.
One of the positive effects of sedation is that, while remaining awake and alert throughout the treatment, the perception of the session’s duration or difficulty is greatly reduced, leaving a pleasant memory.
Due to the relaxation, the effectiveness of the local anesthesia is also increased. Furthermore, muscles and joints are much less stressed, avoiding the typical soreness at the end of treatment.
The number of sessions can be reduced thanks to the larger number of treatments that can be performed in the same appointment.
With sedation dentistry, even the most anxious patient can afford the necessary dental care and achieve the smile they deserve.
Tranquility will also be for the relative who ensures that their loved one receives treatment in total safety and with complete absence of anxiety and emotional tension.
Methods of Sedation Administration
Sedation can be administered in different ways, depending on the needs and preferences of the patient. One common method is oral sedation, which creates a deep sense of relaxation while leaving the patient conscious and able to respond to stimuli. Another option is intravenous sedation, where the medication is administered directly into the bloodstream through a needle, a method that allows for deeper sedation and is particularly indicated for more complex procedures or patients with high anxiety.