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Information on the processing of personal data for Users of the Blog published on the site


Edition of 01/01/2022

The Oral Atelier s.r.l. and Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni inform you in your capacity as user (“Blog User”) of the following in relation to the processing of your personal data pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“Regulation”) and Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Code) collected when you registered on the blog of the website https://www.piercarlofrabboni.com (“Site” ).

1. Data Controller.

1.1 The data controllers of the data voluntarily provided by the Blog User at the time of subscription to the Blog published on the website https://www.piercarlofrabboni.com and the data provided using the blog comments section are:

(a) Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni, Tax Code FRBPCR67M23A944U, VAT No. 04307890378, domiciled in the Municipality of Bologna, Via Toscana n. 52, certified email address piercarlo.frabboni@pec.andi.it (hereinafter “Dr. Frabboni Controller”).

(b) The Oral Atelier s.r.l., Tax Code and VAT No. 03712331200, with legal headquarters in the Municipality of Bologna, Via Toscana n. 52, certified email address theoralatelier@legalmail.it (hereinafter “The Oral Atelier Controller”).

2. Information on processing.

2.1 Data voluntarily provided by the User upon subscribing to the Blog and its use through the “comments” section.

2.1.1 The personal information that the Blog User can provide at the time of subscribing to the Blog includes their name, surname, date of birth, residential or domicile address, telephone contact including mobile, and email address. No further data is requested from the User.

2.1.2 The Blog User may also provide additional personal data when using the Blog, for example by writing in the comments section. As specified in the Blog Regulations, the Blog User cannot post information related to their own or others’ health status where the Blog User or the third party are identified or identifiable by other Blog users or those consulting the Site.

2.2 Purpose of processing.

2.2.1 The purposes of processing the data provided by the User as per the previous paragraph 2.1 are:

(a) to allow the Blog User to subscribe to the Blog and post messages in the “comments” section of the Blog;

(b) with the consent of the Blog User, to send to the Blog User at the email address or telephone contact provided, information (e.g., about promotions, specific treatments, etc.) about the services provided by The Oral Atelier Controller or Dr. Frabboni Controller, or newsletters curated by them containing information on the medical-dental sector.

2.2.2 The provision of personal data as per paragraph 2.1 is not mandatory, but if the personal data is not provided, The Oral Atelier Controller or Dr. Frabboni Controller may not be able to fulfill the purposes as per the previous paragraph 2.2.1 letter (a) and letter (b). The lack of consent to the processing of the User’s data for the purpose of the previous point 2.2.1 lett. (b) will prevent the Blog User from receiving periodic information on services offered or newsletters.

2.3 Legal basis of processing.

2.3.1 The legal basis of the processing as per the previous paragraph 2.2.1 letter (a) (subscription and participation in the Blog) is as follows: Art. 6, lett. b) of the Regulation: “processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract”. In this case, the contract concerns participation as a “user” in the Blog.

2.3.2 The legal basis of the processing as per the previous paragraph 2.2.1 letter (b) (reception by the Blog User of periodic informational communications and newsletters) is the consent given by the Blog User.

2.4 Data retention period.

2.4.1 Personal data of the Blog User collected for the purposes as per the previous paragraph 2.2.1 lett. (a) (subscription and participation in the Blog) will be stored for the entire period in which the Blog User remains subscribed to the Blog and for ten years following the deletion of the Blog User’s profile, except for the content published in the comments section, which will be deleted upon deletion of the Blog User’s profile.

2.4.2 Personal data of the Blog User collected for the purposes as per the previous paragraph 2.2.1 lett. (b) (reception by the Blog User of periodic informational communications and newsletters) will be stored until the Blog User revokes their consent to the sending of periodic information or newsletters by sending a communication to the following email address info@piercarlofrabboni.com or using the “unsubscribe” link located at the bottom of every email communication received. In case The Oral Atelier Controller or Dr. Frabboni Controller should suspend the sending of the aforementioned informational communications or newsletters, they will cease processing the data for the said purpose within no later than 12 (twelve) months from the sending of the last communication or newsletter.

2.5 Finalization of a subsequent contract and transmission of data through the Site.

2.5.1 In case, following the provision of the personal data of the Blog User as per the previous paragraph 2.1, a contract is finalized between the Blog User and The Oral Atelier s.r.l. and/or between the Blog User and Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni for the performance of health treatments, the data of the Blog User will be processed in accordance with the further and specific information notice that will be provided by The Oral Atelier Controller or Dr. Frabboni Controller before the signing of the relevant contract.

2.5.2 In case the Blog User intends to transmit their personal data through sections of the site other than the Blog or through the contacts indicated in the contacts section, the data of the Blog User will be processed in accordance with the further and specific information notice of the Site, also available at the following link.

2.6 Methods of processing personal data

2.6.1 The processing of personal data collected under this notice is carried out using manual, computerized, and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the above purposes and, in any case, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.

2.6.2 The management and storage of personal data take place on servers of The Oral Atelier s.r.l. and Dr. Frabboni Controller and/or third-party companies appointed as data processors. These servers are located in Italy and within the European Union at the respective controller, i.e., The Oral Atelier for information processed by the latter or at Dr. Frabboni Controller for information processed by the latter.

2.7 Third parties authorized to process personal data.

2.7.1 The processing will be carried out not only by The Oral Atelier Controller and Dr. Frabboni Controller but also by subjects authorized by them under Art. 4, no. 10 of the Regulation within the scope of the purposes as per the previous paragraph 2.2, including:

(a) persons authorized by The Oral Atelier Controller and Dr. Frabboni Controller to process personal data who have received appropriate operational instructions and have committed to confidentiality, such as, by way of example, their employees or auxiliaries who perform their activity on behalf of the same;

(b) individuals, companies, or professional firms that provide assistance and consultancy to The Oral Atelier Controller and Dr. Frabboni Controller in relation to the pursuit of the purposes as per the previous paragraph 2.2 or for issues related to them, upon their appointment as Data Processors;

(c) subjects, entities, or authorities to whom the communication of the Blog User’s data is mandatory by law or by specific administrative provisions.

2.8 Transfer of personal data.

2.8.1 Personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside the European Union.

2.8.2 Personal data will not be subject to disclosure.

3 Cookies.

3.1 The Site is curated and managed by Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni. The Site collects navigation data using cookies or similar technologies. For further information, the Blog User is invited to consult the “Cookie Policy” of the Site link.

4 Technical navigation data.

4.1 Technical navigation data are the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and computer environment of the Blog User (“Technical Navigation Data”). Technical Navigation Data are used only for statistical information (therefore, they are anonymous), to check the correct functioning of the Site, and are deleted immediately after processing. Technical Navigation Data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site. Except for this eventuality, data on web contacts do not persist for more than 7 days.

5 Rights of the Blog User.

5.1 The Blog User has, among others, the following rights:

(a) to revoke the consent previously given, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;

(b) to request from The Oral Atelier Controller and Dr. Frabboni Controller access to, correction or deletion (“Right to be Forgotten”) of personal data or the restriction of processing of personal data concerning them or to oppose their processing;

(c) to obtain data portability;

(d) to oppose processing;

(e) to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority under Arts. 77 et seq. of the Regulation if they believe that their rights have been infringed or that the Regulation has been violated.

5.2 Requests to exercise the aforementioned rights to be directed to The Oral Atelier Controller can be sent through:

(a) a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to The Oral Atelier s.r.l., with legal headquarters in the Municipality of Bologna, Via Toscana n. 52; ZIP code 40141 and Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Via Toscana n. 52; ZIP code 40141;

(b) certified email to the address pec The Oral Atelier s.r.l. theoralatelier@legalmail.it;

(c) for the revocation of consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose as per the previous point 2.4.2 (reception by the Blog User of periodic informational communications and newsletters), using the methods provided therein.

5.3 Requests to exercise the aforementioned rights to be directed to Dr. Frabboni Controller can be sent through:

(a) a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni, domiciled in Via Toscana n. 52, ZIP code 40141;

(b) certified email to the address pec piercarlo.frabboni@pec.andi.it;

(c) for the revocation of consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose as per the previous point 2.4.2 (reception by the Blog User of periodic informational communications and newsletters), using the methods provided therein.