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Dental Veneers: How They Work and When They Are the Right Choice

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A smile is often defined as a person’s business card. It can influence not only the aesthetic appearance but also self-confidence. In the field of cosmetic dentistry, ceramic dental veneers represent one of the most modern and effective solutions for restoring a tooth or improving the smile. But how do they work and when are they the right choice? In this article, we will explore these topics in detail.

What is a Dental Veneer?

Before delving into how they work, it is essential to understand what a dental veneer is. Dental veneers are thin ceramic laminates that are applied to the visible surface of the teeth to rebuild a portion of the tooth or to enhance its appearance.

How Do Dental Veneers Work?

Dental veneers are applied in a process that generally requires three visits to the dentist:

  • Initial Consultation

It all begins with an initial consultation, where the patient discusses their needs and expectations with the dentist. The dentist will assess the patient’s oral health and decide if dental veneers are an appropriate solution. They will also perform a series of exams, photographs, and videos to design the solution.

  • Aesthetic and Functional Preview of the Result

This is a very important phase of studying and designing the case with the help of digital programs. The project is then replicated by the dental technician and delivered to the dentist, who tests it in the patient’s mouth without touching the teeth at all. This test allows the patient to see their smile very close to the result they will have at the end of the treatment; it also allows the dentist to make evaluations related to occlusion and normal masticatory function. If the test is approved, then the subsequent phases begin.

  • Preparation or Non-Preparation of the Teeth

In the second phase, the dentist will proceed with the preparation of the teeth to receive the veneers, which involves roughening the tooth surface and creating very thin grooves for the veneers themselves. This generally involves the removal of a small amount of dental enamel to make room for the veneer. In some cases, further preparation may be necessary to ensure optimal application. If the teeth are so small, worn, or spaced apart that this enamel reduction is not even performed.

  • Taking Impressions and Creating the Veneers

After preparing the teeth, digital impressions are taken using an intraoral scanner. These impressions will be used to create custom veneers that perfectly fit the shape of the patient’s teeth.

  • Application of the Veneers

The dental technician constructs the ceramic dental veneers in their laboratory, and once the veneers are ready, the dentist will proceed with the application. This process includes applying a special adhesive to the tooth surface, followed by placing and gluing the veneer. If there is a good amount of enamel on the teeth, the veneers will have a very strong adhesion to the tooth and will not come off during normal tooth functions.

Advantages of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers offer numerous advantages:

  • Aesthetic improvement: they can improve the shape, size, color, and alignment of the teeth.
  • Resistance to stains: they are resistant to stains, maintaining their appearance over time.
  • Conservation of dental structure: unlike other treatments, veneers require the removal of a minimal amount of enamel.

When to Choose Dental Veneers?

Choosing dental veneers might be the right solution if:

  • You have chipped, worn, or broken teeth.
  • Your teeth are severely stained or discolored.
  • You wish to correct minor alignment or spacing issues between the teeth.
  • You are looking for a long-term treatment to improve your smile.

Considerations and Care

It is essential to note that once applied, dental veneers become a permanent solution. Therefore, it’s important to carefully evaluate this decision and follow the dentist’s instructions on care and maintenance.

In conclusion, dental veneers can be an excellent investment for those wishing to improve their smile. However, it’s important to consult with an experienced dentist and carefully evaluate whether this is the best solution for your specific needs.

To book a visit with Dr. Frabboni, call us at the Studio in Bologna at 344-3433540 and in Faenza at 388-0576093.

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