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Dental Veneers: A Great Reason to Smile!

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Dental Veneers and All the Solutions for a Beautiful Smile!

Today we will talk about dental veneers and how to achieve a beautiful smile!
It has been a fantastic year for the level of ‘state-of-the-art’ achieved by our Aesthetic Dentistry Studio.

We continue to achieve exceptional results with our precision in creating new smiles.

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni specializes in techniques and materials for cosmetic aesthetic dentistry:

  • Dental veneers
  • Ceramic crowns
  • Teeth whitening
  • Aesthetic inlays
  • Aesthetic conservative adhesive techniques

All to create natural and very pleasing smiles.

If you are not happy with your smile, call us at 051/471964 in Bologna and 0546/21132 in Faenza, we will plan a treatment plan for your smile.
And… for anxious patients, we offer conscious sedation dentistry.

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni has also specialized in ‘Digital Smile Design‘ for virtual smile planning.

This technique allows you to pre-visualize on the computer the final result of the smile, both for teeth and gums, making it a great tool to model the smile together with the patient.

The color, position, and size of the teeth and gums are planned and previewed.

Subsequently, we will then reproduce the virtual result in reality.

Patients undergoing a dental makeover have no regrets about the investment made for their extraordinary new smile. Indeed, there is no more attractive physical feature than an appealing smile.

When you have a wonderful smile, you always smile!!!

Want a reason to smile?

Consider a smile makeover from one of the best professionals in dental aesthetics.

Dental Veneers

Let’s focus on veneers for teeth. The ceramic veneer is an ultra-thin ceramic laminate that is glued to the outside of the tooth, thus creating a magnificent natural effect and immediately giving a harmonious appearance to your smile and your face.

Visit the dedicated section of the website!

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The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA




The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA
